The products from grape of the Helession Proved to be a very strong shield of health
The natural way to strengthen the human immune system against serious diseases and viruses!
The unique natural wine Helession can be called “organic wine” even in the USA, because no sulfites have been added.
Heavy artillery of modern winemaking and a very strong shield of health, are -proven now- the natural organic wines (akratos oenos) and the other products from grapes of the Food and Environment Organization Helession. According to the analyzes carried out in the laboratory of Food Chemistry of Athens University, not only they contain the most valuable polyphenols for humans, but they are able to preserve them over the years, making this innovative wine… a natural defensive and salvation element against the serious diseases of the human life.
The report accompanying the measurements mentions the highly striking fact that polyphenols, -such as those of products from grape of Org Helession-, are associated with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthen the human body’s defences against diseases such as cancer, viruses etc!
Also, the polyphenols of the grape during the red vinification – which is steadily carried out by Org Helession – they pass from the grape and its skin to the body of the wine that is created. In this way they become bioavailable to the human body, shielding multiple its heart.
More specifically, the Food Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, headed by Associate Professor Charalambos Proestos, in the context of the cooperation with the Org Helession, carried out chemical analyses for the determination of bioactive ingredients of the wine and the products from grape of Helession, with emphasis on phenolic components with modern analytical techniques such as liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry.
The research focused on a group of 21 polyphenols and showed that the products of Org Helession contained compounds such as phenolic acids (caffeic, genetic acid), but also catechin, epicatechin, luteolin, quercetin, resveratrol, etc., as shown in the attached table.
Epidemiological studies have shown that the consumption of wine and products from grape, which contain phenolic compounds e.g. polyphenols, such as those of Org Helession, are associated with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and they strengthen the human body’s defences against diseases such as cancer, viruses, etc.
Experimental studies have shown that polyphenols in wine with red vinification can reduce atherosclerosis through a number of mechanisms, including inhibiting the oxidation of LDL and other beneficial effects on the state of cellular redox, improving inhibiting platelet aggregation, reducing inflammation and activating new proteins, which prevent cellular aging. More and more research data is supporting their ability to affect the immune system by affecting, among others, the proliferation and activity of white blood cells.
The polyphenols of the grape during red vinification, pass from the grape and its rind to the body of the wine that is created. In this way they become bioavailable to the human body.
The high grade Akratos oenos of Helession is produced through the natural red vinification with native (wild) yeasts. No sulfites, flavors, chemicals and colors have been added, it is 100% grape (vegan fit). It did not undergo protein precipitation and was not filtered! Thus they passed into the body of wine and remained almost all the antioxidants, polyphenols, resveratrol and OPC (Oligo-Pro-Anthocyanidins) of the grapes.
Phenolic components are also very important in vinification, because they have an important role as antioxidants in wine, especially at red vinification. The color of the wines and their taste character depend on them. They participate in the composition of aromas and are responsible for the quality of wines with red vinification during maturation and aging.
The Community of Org Helession
Monday, Aug 24, 2020
Also you will find:
–The results of analyzes in the table of University of Athens.
-Supporting article by the US Institute of Health, on the properties of polyphenols.
–Supporting article by the University of Boston (Massachusetts USA) on the properties of polyphenols.